“Digital design is like painting, except the paint never dries.” - Neville Brody

Slide Andrew Knutt I love all creativity. To make.
To share. To experiment.
With creative art, media,
digital and design forms.
This space is to show and
share these works.
Slide Digital Art & Video Discover moving and static imagery created through digital means and designed to share in print, screen or projection.

Recent Collections.

Artworks by
Andrew Knutt Exhibition.

A beautiful modern minimal art gallery inspired by a famous European museum showcasing Andrew's work in a virtual environment with 5 different gallery rooms, 50 pieces of art, amazing music and 34 camera scenes. Make it full screen to enjoy the benefits of this art exhibition.

More Digital & Video Art.

A wide selection of artworks. Some formal and some experiments with the addition of video art made using the skills of other animators and Andrew’s custom approach to moving images for video and projections.

Distortion - Video Art Project

Distortion is a curated video art project using animation and includes atmospheric sounds. Like the mass confusion of a technical panic attack the visuals take your mind and eyes to landscape of horrific dreams.

Geometricity - Video Art Project

Greek classical writer and tragedian Euripides said 'Mighty is geometry; joined with art, resistless'. Here I celebrate that resistlessness through movement and words of geometric art that I have titled 'Geometricity'.

Light & Shade - Video Art Project

Light and shade creates all sorts of feelings for us all and often moves us in ways that make the mind think abstractly. This relaxing and thought-engaging video with sound was curated to reflect these feelings.

Fluid in Motion - Video Art Project

Where the mind goes when it sees the movement of fluid is different for everyone and this curated set of paint fluids in motion has been designed to invoke meditative thoughts while soothed by ambient sounds and music.

3D Abstract Exhibition v2.0 - Video Art Project

3D moving art forms simply mesmerize us all and reaches parts of our fascination that we sometimes can't equate. This curated art video shows 3D at its best; using a range of forms to bring you four minutes of sheer visual and sound pleasure.

When Ink Flows - Video Art Project

Ink has its own nature and flow and often behaves like fractals but always has its own path. Artists have used the natural flow of ink for decades and this video art project uses it in motion form.

Stare Right Into The Digital. Stand up for your right to create. Till colours
blind you from this
Imperfect World.

Just Get It Done.

Though we all have standards its about breaking away from these and creating things that you love or simple looks great. As one famous artist said “Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” – Andy Warhol

I Was Born To Create.

There hasn’t been a time in my life where I wasn’t creating. It wasn’t always art but always creativity at the heart. It is this that I believe we are born to do and our souls cannot survive with out doing something creative. Artists and creators all know this and feel it too.

Show Some Love. Leave A Note.

Listening to others is great as long as its positive so why send your comments, requests or questions to me. If you would like to have any of my work printed and framed then simple send me a link to that image with your details. Most are A2 or smaller. Payments made via PayPal or bank transfer. Online buying will be available soon.

    Meet Our Team.

    There are more than one of us inside and Andrew Knutt artwork and all other creations has to work with this bunch of ruffians. But least the work gets done.

    Art & Design

    Film & Media

    Illustration & Print

    Dogs Body